Niagara Falls dentist explain about the dental treatment

Being comfortable at the dentist’s is something we all hope for. Unfortunately, for some people, this is not possible. Some people may have anxiety or panic disorders or fear of pain that keeps them from getting comfortable at the dentist, no matter what they have done. Thankfully, sedation dentistry is a way for dentists to deal with these types of issues, make patients feel more comfortable, and still give patients all the different services and treatments they need and deserve.

Sedation dentistry, otherwise known as sleep dentistry, is not just using anesthesia to put patients to sleep; there are many options to help patients cope with anxiety, panic attacks, and fear when coming to the dentist. Our sedation dental clinic is here to ensure you get the oral healthcare you need, no matter what it takes.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is sedating patients to keep them calm during their dental visits. The form this sedation takes will vary based on the patient’s needs. When patients need sedation dentistry, they will have a one-on-one meeting with the dentist. The dentist will discuss their needs and concerns before prescribing the type of sedation dentistry that is right for their situation.

Sometimes, the dentist may use meditative techniques to calm the patient before their appointment. These can be breathing exercises, counting, or meditation. In more severe cases where the patient has anxiety or panic attacks, they may prescribe an oral sedative that will keep the patient awake but sedated during the procedure. An example of this is the use of nitrous oxide sedation or laughing gas.

In the most extreme cases where these types of sedation will not work, the dentist may recommend full-blown sedation, where the patient is put to sleep for the duration of their visit. The patient is given a controlled dose of anesthesia and typically wakes up just a moment before their dental visit is over so they can go home.

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